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How high is AXA SA (CS-par) share price?

AXA SA (CS:PAR) set a new 52-week high during today's trading session when it reached 30.88. Over this period, the share price is up 9.54%. Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Jan 22 2024 16:35 GMT. Latest AXA SA (CS:PAR) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.

Who is AXA Insurance?

AXA is the European leading insurance group. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - damage insurance (50.4%): mainly car insurance, home insurance, property damage, civil liability, and major risk insurance.

What does AXA do?

CLOSE AXA operates as an insurance company. The Company offers life and non-life insurance, savings, and pension products, as well as provides financial and asset management services. AXA serves customers worldwide.

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